
Below is a sample of our video licensing rates.

Please submit a request for any additional usage.

5 years

  • Unlimited plays
  • Non-exclusive
  • Fee per second
  • 30-second minimum

All media

  • Including theatrical
  • Excluding theatrical

Per media

  • Television
  • Online (Standalone)
  • Feature Films
  • Film Festivals
  • Live Events/Public Exhibition

10 years

  • Unlimited plays
  • Non-exclusive
  • Fee per second
  • 30-second minimum

All media

  • Including theatrical
  • Excluding theatrical

Per media

Additional 25% of 5 year licence fee


  • Unlimited plays
  • Non-exclusive
  • Fee per second
  • 45-second minimum

All media

  • Including theatrical
  • Excluding theatrical

Per media

Additional 50% of 5 year licence fee

Facilities Charges

  • Administrative and technical fees
    To be confirmed by your representative.
  • Additional librarian support and rights research (subject to availability)

Other content

  • Host use and sports
    Twice the rates above; additional permissions will be required.
  • Audio
    Licence rates are half the rates above; additional clearances may be required.
  • Photo, text and other use
    Please submit a request for any use not listed here.


  1. All rates will be subject to applicable taxes.
  2. Licensees are responsible for all costs associated with clearances and consents from third parties whose rights may be affected by the use of footage.
  3. CBC has the right to restrict or refuse the use of archive footage at its sole discretion.
  4. All licences originating from outside of Canada will be charged in US dollars at the rates indicated above.
  5. All licensees will be required to sign CBC paperwork prior to the release of any archival footage.
  6. CBC does not own all footage it exhibits. In some cases, material not owned by the CBC is unavailable.
  7. Scripted footage may require signed talent clearances.
  8. Interviews may be restricted. In certain instances the interviewee or estate will be required to sign a release.
  9. Audio from hosts or reporters must be used with original video.